15 Minute Fitness Challenge

Posted on July 3, 2011


15 Minute Tabata Challenge

Just did this to blow the cob webs out from a rough holiday weekend!
Great overall workout that will leave the gas tank on “E”
Choose exercises that are appropriate for your fitness level!

20 seconds of work, 10 seconds rest for all exercises. Perform each group of 3 twice before moving on to next group of 3 and follow that format for all 5 groups.

1) jump rope
2) explosion push-ups
3) prisoner drop squats
repeat twice

1) Burpee with push-up
2) sumo squat with overhead band press
3) double crunch
Repeat twice

1) mountain climbers “x”
2) reverse lunge right leg
3) reverse lunge left leg
Repeat twice

1) jump rope
2) squat hold band rows
3) squat hold chest press and fly
Repeat twice

1) box or step/deck jumps (careful feeling fatigued at this point)
2) jump rope
3) diamond push-ups
Repeat twice

TOTAL 15 minute workout
In order to keep intensity/tempo check out gymboss.com
Best $20 fitness investment you can make!

Any health and fitness enthusiasts check out my website: